
December 17, 2013


Hey gang, Happy Holidays!!
...While completing several projects I still have a few Mars Attack Invasion (AP Artist Return ) Blank cards to finish. So what better way to introduce to you my newest Mars Attack Sketch Card -
" Santa's Gift to Mars "

Its now on sale for 5 days on EBAY check it out here:

Santa's Gift to Mars! - EBAY

November 23, 2013

Mars Attacks Invasion..Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hey guys, check out my new Mars Attacks Invasion Sketch Card!

Just in Time for Thanksgiving - now on sale on Ebay. 

Click this link to goto EBAY Mars Attacks - Thanksgiving On sale at Ebay

May 05, 2013

HULK T-Shirt


Hey check out my new HULK design I created for HULK ANGRY TEE. I saw this contest and really wanted to enter, but my freelance projects were keeping me busy at the time. So one night after Illustrating all day, I received a boost of extra energy and the HULK shirt was born.

THE HULK  / Threadless T-Shirt Contest

This design captures the big in your face rage of the Hulk!! 
I developed the design to take up all of the space it could on the shirt.

I really like the way this shirt came out, it has a very Marvel Comics style to it. Even though the Threadless audience prefers a wildly different design style, I was happy to see several positive comments for this shirt to be made. The contest is now completed and Threadless usually take a few months to announce the winners. Let keep our fingers crossed, and let's not get angry......You won't like me when I get ANGRY! 

April 11, 2013

It’s not just one man, it’s...


Now that I have added a little polish to my illustration blog, it seems only fitting to add artwork that
I created before the days of digital art. This piece was chosen not only for the unique western theme, but this is one of my favorite book illustrations I designed a few years ago. 

I love the ability to paint digitally but a few years back when I painted with acrylic I was able to learn many techniques to build solid artwork. 

To create this illustration I used my own lighting, props, clothing, photo reference and invited my friends to join in the fun to pose as models for me. I still use tons of reference to create my Illustrations, Graphics & Game Designs. But a lot of it comes from Mr. Google and Mr. Imagination. 

"The Mark of Zorro" acrylic on masonite board.

March 25, 2013

Bioshock Infinite

Check out my new illustration of the Patriot from the new video game Bioshock Infinite from Irrational Games. This was for a contest Dark Horse Comics posted last week. I really love this character from Bioshock infinite of a mechanical killing machine George Washington. Hopefully he will be this cool in the game!

Darrin Pepe / 2013

March 17, 2013

Refurbish 2013

It's been a while since I last posted on this blog....

Mainly because the work I was creating at Scholastic was not viewable while developing the designs. Now the project has been completed, and I can show them soon.

My blog needs a major change to be relevant with my upcoming designs, but mainly a blog to showcase my artwork as a Illustrator. I will have another site that will display all the other graphics and game development work, but this one will be illustration related only.

So enough talk, spring in on the way and it's time to spruce up this site...

See ya soon.
Darrin Pepe